Scott Robertson
Howdy! We’ve spent the last few months collecting questions from readers and this month we want to answer some. Thanks for the questions and keep writing us! Here we go.
Q: My horse is currently on prednisolone and vitamin e to maintain neurostabilzation along with bute and gastrogard for a suspensory issue. Is CBD contraindicated with any of these medicines? [Michelle]
A: Cannabinoid products can be contraindicative with certain medicines but have shown to be safe to use with bute, prednisolone and gastrogard. Check dosing recommendations on packaging before administering the cannabinoid.
Q: My mare is currently 9 months pregnant and having challenges maintaining weight. Can I use a CBD feed product during pregnancy? [Susan]
A: Current data and experiences show that pregnant mares can use Cannabinoid products that contain less than .3% THC without negative effects on the foal. Additionally, post foaling the cannabinoid products may be continued during the suckling and weening of the new foal providing natural nourishment to both the mare and the foal.
Q: I see several different types of products; tinctures, treats, pellets, etc.. If I just have the tincture can that be used daily or only during the time I am riding? [Sarah]
A: Many people use tinctures on an as needed basis during competitive events, but tinctures are excellent and often more effective if used daily. When using daily the endocannabinoid system is stronger and more effective resulting in better total wellness. Many times, after using a tincture daily for a 3-4 week period dosing can be decreased to a maintenance level. Check packaging or contact your manufacturer for dosing and maintenance information.
Q: Do CBD products help with bleeders? [Mary]
A: This is a very common question, and the current answer is, we don’t know yet. There are some indications that certain cannabinoids may assist, and further research is required. As soon as we know more we will let everyone know.
Q: Do CBD products stop ulcers? [Anna]
A:This is another very common question and the initial information suggests that certain cannabinoids assist in gastrointestinal health and are an excellent natural alternative. More data is needed, and we will provide updates as soon as possible.
Thanks for these questions! We will address more in future columns, plus you can always contact us directly at .
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