Media Contact: Debbie Loucks, Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc.
You might have seen goat yoga by now, or yoga for horses, or even yoga with horses. But it may surprise you to see the upcoming series on Monty Roberts Online University involving yoga ON horseback. Ashley Mancuso joins Monty Roberts in the iconic Round Pen at Flag Is Up Farms in Solvang, California. Ashley shares with Monty, and the students of the Join-Up course, how balancing and reading your horse’s body language, while performing “yoga moves” on horseback, is the ultimate bio-feedback.
Tour Demonstrations in front of live audiences are some of the most viewed lessons on Monty’s Online University that makes over 575 lesson videos accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with a new lesson added every week. Arnie the Spooky Dressage Horse is our star series releasing currently. Watch how a nearly 18hh Warmblood overcomes his phobic fear of plastic bags, tarpaulins and crunch sounds, with Monty’s gentle and incremental techniques.
Launched in 2009, Monty Roberts and his team developed the first of its kind Equus Online University; an interactive online lesson site that is considered the most effective educational tool for horsemen on the web. Recognized globally, this horsemanship learning system is the most comprehensive. It was important to Roberts to not only quantify the language of the horses he calls Equus, but also to share its interpretation with lessons from world renowned horse persons such as Stefan Peters and Jan Ebeling from dressage, Will Simpson from Olympic jumping and Phillip Ralls and Richard Winters from Western Reining.
Since launching, Monty Roberts, Charlotte Bredahl-Baker, Martin Clunes (Doc Martin) and many more have contributed their knowledge of horsemanship. “Considered a Rosetta Stone for horse communication, one of gestures like signing for the deaf, online lessons available 24/7 have contributed greatly to the encouragement and study of non-violent training of horses.” said Roberts. He wants the global impact to spread in his lifetime and encourages interested persons to log on to and have a free look around.
When Monty Roberts was invited by Queen Elizabeth II in 1989 to demonstrate his understanding of horsemanship, horse training’s 6000 year old tradition was forever changed. Roberts had cracked the code on the communication system horses have used to survive for millions of years before humans domesticated them. Roberts demonstrated concepts that drew a line at pain in training and his life’s goal is to leave the world a better place for horses and for people, as well.
Debbie Roberts-Loucks, Monty’s daughter, spearheaded the development. She states, “We are first and foremost advocates for keeping horses in people’s lives. The more than 575 video lessons are in categories of Ground Work, from foundational to advanced, and Ridden Work, from foundational to problem solving. There is a terrific forum plus a searchable data base of over 800 Questions and Answers from Monty with a handy search bar.”
The New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned horse trainer Monty Roberts is available for interviews.
MONTY ROBERTS first gained widespread fame with the release of his New York Times best selling book, The Man Who Listens To Horses; a chronicle of his life and development of his non-violent horse training methods called Join-Up®. Monty grew up on a working horse farm as a firsthand witness to traditional, often violent methods of horse training and breaking the spirit with an abusive hand. Rejecting that, he went on to win nine world’s championships in the show ring. Today, Monty’s goal is to share his message that “Violence is never the answer.” Roberts has been encouraged by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with the award of the Membership in The Royal Victorian Order, as well as becoming Patron of Join-Up International. Other honors received were the ASPCA “Founders” award, the MSPCA George T. Angell Humanitarian Award and FEI’s Man of the Year award. Monty was recently included as Horse and Hound Magazine’s Top 50 Horsemen of All Time. Monty has been credited with launching the first of its kind Equus Online University; an interactive online lesson site that is the definitive learning tool for violence-free training.
See Join-Up®. philosophies at work with both humans and horses across the world, from farms to major corporations. To learn more about Monty Roberts or the many applications of his Join-Up® training methods, visit Horse Sense and Soldiers aired on Discovery Military in 2010, highlighting the therapeutic effect horses and Monty Roberts’ Join-Up® have on PTSD. Soon after, Monty and his team developed the Horse Sense & Healing program for veterans and first responders. In February 2017, Lead-Up International officially launched worldwide at the Monty Roberts International Learning Center in Solvang, California. The purpose of Lead-Up International is to reduce violence in the community by creating peaceful leaders from vulnerable youth, utilizing equine-assisted therapy and non-verbal communication, building trust-based relationships.
DEBBIE ROBERTS LOUCKS joined her parents, Monty and Pat Roberts, in 2002 to build Monty Roberts’ international training schedule and oversee their publishing, product development and licensing. Monty Roberts is the world renowned Horse Whisperer and New York Times Bestselling author of The Man Who Listens to Horses. Pat Roberts is an internationally acclaimed sculptress of horses.
A graduate of UCLA, Debbie has extensive experience in marketing as well as new business development. Debbie’s life-long work with horses, as well as her commitment with Monty to advance his concepts, uniquely qualifies her to extend the MPRI brand into a global leadership organization, impacting millions of individuals, companies, organizations, governments and industries. Debbie is host of, one of the most popular podcasts on the global Horse Radio Network. Learn more about Debbie at