By Scott Robertson

Howdy! We’re excited to be part of the Equine Monthly publication and look forward to provide you with reliable information about cannabidiol products and their use in the equine industry through this media.
Our organization, TOML (That Others May Live), began working on the equestrian line with Performance Trainers, a Multi-location Equestrian Hospital, a Horse Sanctuary and several Breeders for pain management and recovery. This quickly spread into the rodeo arena and barrel racing as we were introduced to youth national riders, collegiate programs and professional riders. Our experiences in the cutting disciplines began with a breeder in Central Texas, initially using our pellets, who noted phenomenal success at the Futurity in November of 2020.
We now have multiple champions and Hall of Fame riders in this segment using our products.
This spread our equestrian presence from Arizona to New York and beyond with wonderful stories of healing, pain management and performance improvements. To date our equestrian line is the fastest growing product segment in our portfolio and we are continuously evaluating and creating additional products.
Our focus on wellness before winning has been so successful that the NBHA (National Barrel Horse Association) and NCHA (National Cutting Horse Association) have both chosen TOML as their Preferred National CBD partners. This is a great honor and very significant to the entire equestrian community.
While we are a cannabidiol company, our true purpose is to increase the quality of life for all our customers, both animals and humans, along with supporting our beneficiary, “The PTSD Foundation of America”. Each day 22 veterans succumb to the mental and physical trauma of war and take their own lives. The PTSD Foundation of America and Camp Hope, provide a completely free 9 month program to support these veterans and help them rediscover their life and purpose. Every TOML product carries the PTSD Foundations logo and provides a donation to this critically important organization.
So off we go. In this article, we’ll talk about how cannabinoid products work within the body in the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS is a major signaling system that exists in both you and your animals. ECS continually monitors any instability within the body and returns it to a state of balance or homeostasis so that the internal environment remains stable. CBD and other cannabinoids are compounds that activate this system. Cannabinoids, both naturally produced by the body via sleep (endogenous), and those supplemented from cannabis (exogenous), act as “keys” to these receptors, turning on a variety of functions.
Within the ECS there are two main cell receptors – CB1 and CB2.
CB1 receptors exist mainly in the brain and central nervous system, affecting the following:
- Appetite regulation.
- Memory, emotions.
- Feelings of pain.
CB2 receptors are concentrated in the gastrointestinal tract and peripheral nervous system (nerve cells outside the brain and spinal cord) and modulate immune cell functions. Areas affected include the following:
- Reduction of inflammation.
- Anxiety and depression.
- Insomnia.
- Pain and inflammation.
- Obesity/Increased appetite/Leptin resistance.
- Metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance.
- Immune deficiencies and autoimmune diseases.
- Digestive disturbances/ulcers/colitis.
In future articles we will discuss dosing and how to use the products correctly. We will cover several different areas of equine wellness, including pain management, anxiety and stress relief, wound care, focus and overall total health and well-being. We will connect with researchers about formal research and case studies and look to provide you with the most complete and honest information.
I look forward to hearing from you! Of course, we also welcome questions. The more interactive this column is, the better we are at informing you of the specific information you desire for the betterment of your horse. If you are interested in learning more about us, have any questions about how or when to use cannabinoid products, or to learn more about The PTSD Foundation of America, contact me directly at or visit our website,